Does homoeopathy work?? Is homoeopathy a smart career choice? Am I doing the right thing by entering this branch of medicine? Will it give me financial independence in future? These and many more questions were running in my mind ever since I came to know that I will have to take admission in a homoeopathic medical college! Lo and behold! They were unanswered even after completing my entire one and half year long 1st BHMS term!
But there was just one ray of hope…..a science that has survived for more than 200 years cannot be hocus-pocus and must be working! I only had to see it happen in front of my eyes...thats all.As I started going to OPDs the next year, I saw homoeopathy doing wonders in so many chronic cases, but its effectiveness in acute cases still remained a mystery to me.
Along came 18th Septmeber’06, as evening came I experienced extreme mental and physical restlessness along with chilliness and intermittent fever. I could not get out of my bed sheets despite the burning fever that I had! My sore throat was relieved by hot food and hot drinks in contrast to my everyday aversion to hot drinks! My cold was also relieved by taking steam.
My chilliness forced me to take notice of my intermittent fever and I called up a college professor to help me out. He suggested blood investigations including a test for malarial parasite.(reports attached).And as rightly gauged by sir, the ring forms of P.Vivax were detected parasitizing my RBCs.He immediately prescribed me Arsenic Album 1M after a careful case taking and evaluation of my condition.
But on seeing malaria….I was very skeptical about homoeopathy actually working, especially since my prelims were just a week away! So I called up an allopathic physician and asked her the indicated medication course for malaria and purchased the medication promptly, just in case i had to take it! Then I thought that this was probably my only chance of seeing homoeopathy cure acute illnesses and see it working for myself. So I decided against taking any allopathic medication and started on Arsenic three times a day.
To my surprise and that of my family members too…two days later when my fever had gone and my hatred for hot drinks was back….sir asked me to take another blood test….the parasites were nowhere to be seen in my blood! Homoeopathy had worked miraculously!
But there was still the question of relapses because of the particular variety of malaria that I had contracted. Again the anxiety returned whether homoeopathy will keep that at bay? Again the temptation to turn to allopathy for instant cure came. But I remained strong and let homoeopathy do its magic!
And thank God or Dr.Hahnemann or Dr.Jenil…whosoever….I have remained malaria free and relapse free for the past 4 years now!!!
I now have complete faith in homoeopathy and recommend each one of you, who have doubts, to try it out for yourselves and become true followers of Dr.Hahnemann.
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